You feel like a part of your inner world calls for an Awakening. A part that might have been repressed or forgotten in the past and that is now ready to be Remembered and become a part of you (again). A part of yourself you were maybe afraid to show but is now allowed to come to the surface. A Manifest and Celebration of your unique truth, a mirroring of your soul, a part of you that makes you you.
Repressed parts of us can be the cause of “non functioning” or misaligned parts in our lives. Parts in which we feel stuck, unseen, desperate, sick or stressed - without direction or inner peace.
Through my work we are able to give shape, form and visibility to the repressed that wants to be expressed, a truth of you, that will be enabled to be seen.
And because this might be a part of you which you do not have “full access” to yet, I will use shamanic and transcendental ways to reach it and bring it in the form of a symbol (adornment) to the forefront.
All of this happens in a safe ceremonial space, guided by your intentions.